Tips I should take to prevent covid-19 while moving
While we are still recovering from COVID-19 today, you should be prepared if you are planning to move with a moving company. It is important to keep in mind that some additional actions will help you make a safe move. Consider these practical tips to help you with the moving process.
Before you move in, consider these tips:
Choose your moving company carefully:
It is important that when hiring a moving company, you should ask what measures they are taking to ensure a safe COVID-19 moving experience.
When it comes to your safety and health, it is imperative that the moving agency takes provisions to establish proper hygiene during your move, as you may be exposed to illnesses. When hiring the mover, always ask the following questions:
– What precautions are your movers taking to help prevent the spread of COVID-19?
– What precautions do you recommend I take during my move?
– What will you do if you discover that a worker or customer has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
– Do you have a list of frequently asked questions or additional information about moving during COVID-19 that I can review before scheduling my move with you?
Consider a virtual moving quote:
In light of the current situation, looking for movers via the internet is the best option, as it saves the person from walking the streets and being exposed to COVID-19, this way, the person is only via mobile device or computer doing the quote.
Check with your mover to find out how you can best prepare for your virtual quoting process.
Hiring professional cleaners to help you with your moving or moving cleaning tasks can be an excellent time-saving option. However, you can also opt to do the house cleaning yourself.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides general recommendations for routine household cleaning:
– Practice routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces (e.g., tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, toilets, faucets, sinks, and electronic devices with “products appropriate for the surface, following label instructions”).
– Pay close attention to safety instructions when using cleaning products. For example, never mix bleach with ammonia or any other cleaner; wear rubber gloves and other protective clothing, if indicated; Increase ventilation by opening windows and doors to allow fresh air in.
Maintain a six-foot clearance:
When professional movers come to work (loading and unloading), it is important to keep your distance; refrain from helping with the move, let them do the work themselves. If possible, keep children, pets and vulnerable household members in a separate area.
Wash your hands:
In any moving process you should wash your hands. Ask your movers to wash their hands at the door and at regular intervals to prevent illness. It is also a good idea to limit toilet use to one bathroom in the house. Provide special wipes for doorknobs and light switches in the bathroom and near doorways.
Practice CDC-recommended protocol to decrease the spread of the virus:
These recommendations include, but are not limited to: wearing masks and/or creating reminders to avoid touching your face, limiting food sharing, scheduling regular hand washing reminders via email/text notifications, and cleaning surfaces regularly. For more information on what you can do to limit the spread of COVID-19, click here.
Use your mouthpiece to avoid any type of contagion:
And last but not least, use your mouthpiece at the time of your move, so you will avoid any type of contagion from dust, flus or even COVID-19 itself.
If you’re looking for a professional moving service in Florida, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be there to help you through the entire process of your move.